Aarhus University Seal

Evaluation of culture

Discussions of different evaluative methodologies, their impacts and effects as well as possible challenges regarding the evaluation of art and culture. The discussions incorporate a range of approaches to evaluation including ethnographical, cartographical, statistical and qualitative analyses.


09:00 – 10:30 - Room: Mødelokale 1.1. (limited seating of 40 seats)

- A qualitative approach at the methodologies to measure and assess the impacts in European Capitals of Culture
By: Nuria Cortés

- Rousseau’s Theory of Public Spectacles and European Capitals of Culture
By: Rolf Hugoson

- The value of European Capitals of Culture through the collective memory: what remains?
By: Maxime Jaffré, Elena Raevskikh and Emmanuel Pedler


13:30 – 15:00 - Room: Mødelokale 1.1.  (limited seating of 40 seats)

- Broadening the perspective of the economic value of culture  - based on experiences from ECOC Aarhus2017
By: Morten Falbe-Hansen

- SROI in the art gallery: putting a price on the social value of the arts.
By: Andrew Jackson


15:30 – 17:00 - Room: Mødelokale 1.1.  (limited seating of 40 seats)

- To what extent do municipal expenditure devoted to the cultural sector spur the production of cultural services?
By: Robert Sörensson

- A critical evaluation of quantitative measures of quality and impacts of arts and culture
By: Trine Bille

Additional presentations that are relevant for this track:



17:30 – 18:30

- Why aren't we better at articulating the value of arts and culture? 
By Geoffrey Crossick
(Venue: Main Hall at Aarhus University, Nordre Ringgade 4, 8000 Aarhus C)




- How to strengthen application procedures of cities bidding for the ECoC title (practical workshop) (TBC)
By: Kristina Jacobsen
(Track: European Capital of Culture, Room: Richard Mortensen stuen)


14:10 – 15:15

- Panel on the evaluation of Hull 2017, Valletta 2018 and Aarhus 2017 
By Franco Bianchini, Graziella Vella and Louise Ejgod Hansen
(Venue: Auditorium at ARoS Art Museum)