Aarhus University Seal

The Value of Culture

Theoretical explorations and methodical discussions on the valuation of arts and culture as well as the discrepancies that occur in the process. The presentations systematize and categorize various forms of argumentation for value of arts and culture, through theory and empirical material, to discuss transformation and securement of value creation in ECoC and modern society in general.



10:55 – 12:30 - Room: Mødelokale 1.1 (40 seats)

- (Re)phrasing the value of art in health initiatives: Hos is professionalism and sustainability of aesthetic interventions ensured? (panel debate)
By: Mette Steenberg, Anders Juhl Langscheidel Rasmussen, Jonas Dahl, Carsten Obel and Mikkel Ottow
This panel is organized and curated by Central Denmark Region and Læseforeningen


11:25 – 12:30 - Room: Mødelokale 1.1 (40 seats)

- Abandoning ROI, embracing SDG: A sustainable approach towards evaluating arts and culture more holistically
By: Constantin Alexander

- Rethinking the dispositive of creativity in cities by understanding value co-creation
By: Nils Wåhlin


Additional presentations that are relevant for this track:



17:30 – 18:30

- Why aren't we better at articulating the value of arts and culture? 
By Geoffrey Crossick
(Venue: Main Hall at Aarhus University, Nordre Ringgade 4, 8000 Aarhus c)



09:00 – 11:00

- How does arts and culture engage with global societal challenges? 
By: Hotel Pro Forma and ARoS Aarhus Art Museum
(Venue: Main Hall at Aarhus University, Nordre Ringgade 4, 8000 Aarhus C)


14:10 – 15:15

Panel on the evaluation of Hull 2017, Valletta 2018 and Aarhus 2017 
By Franco Bianchini, Graziella Vella and Louise Ejgod Hansen
(Venue: Auditorium at ARoS Art Museum)