Aarhus University Seal

Tours, Meetings & Social Programme

Tour to the Perlan Museum on 3 October 2019

Perlan Museum – Wonders of Iceland

A must-visit for any tourist, not only for the world-class museum, but also for its incredible architecture, and amazing panoramic views of Reykjavík. An unforgettable experience!

The Perlan Museum is inviting everyone attending the ATP1A3 Symposium to visit the museum on 3 October 2019. We will all go together by bus from the Grand Hotel Reykjavik and back. The bus ride is only about 5 minute each way.

After the visit to Perlan Museum, the conference dinner takes place at the symposium venue.

The tour is included in the registration fee

Symposium dinner on 3 October 2019

At the symposium venue Grand Hotel Reykjavík

The symposium dinner is taking place Thursday evening the 3 October after visiting Perlan Museum.

See dinner menu here

The symposium dinner is included in the registration fee

Welcome reception on 2 October 2019

At the symposium venue Grand Hotel Reykjavík

The welcome reception will take place at the hotel and will include only a welcoming drink. Dinner is not included, so please make arrangements yourself; You can order light food from the hotel bar, use the hotel restaurant, or other restaurants in the nearby area of the hotel.

The welcome reception is included in the registration fee

Parents meeting on 2 October 2019

At the symposium venue Grand Hotel Reykjavík

This parents meeting is intended for parents and caretakers only.
There will be open discussions about AHC and ATP1A3 related diseases.


Some of the scientific organizers of the symposium will join the meeting by the end, to discuss what parents want to achieve from this symposium, so we can address those issues during the symposium. 

The meeting is included in the registration fee

Explore Iceland on your own!

The Blue Lagoon Iceland

Home to one of 25 wonders of the world, Blue Lagoon Iceland is a place where the powers of geothermal seawater create transformational spa journeys.

The Blue Lagoon would like to give the ATP1A3 Symposium guests a special offer.:

Comfort access to the Blue Lagoon for 8.000kr (57 Euro), instead of regular 11.900kr (85 Euro)

To book tickets contact contact@bluelagoon.is and tell them you are a guest of the ATP1A3 Symposium 2019. Remember you need to book well in advance.