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Abstracts for both poster and oral presentations should be uploaded with your registration no later than 15 June, 2024. The uploaded file should be named: SURNAME/GIVEN NAME/ ABSTRACT/FoT-19

The format of the abstract should be the same as used in the previous Flora of Thailand in Singapore 2022:

Title (avoid un-necessary long titles, use bold 14 points)

Name of author(s): Initial(s) without space but with period, surname spelled full out; use normal 12 points.


Address of author(s), use normal font 10 points.

Email of author(s), use normal font 10 points.


Text of abstract, use normal font, 12 points, maximum 300 words including title, names, addresses, text and keywords.

Keywords: Provide five keywords that are not duplicated in the title of the abstract.


The abstract will be reviewed by members of the conference scientific board for content and edited for language and format by the abstract editors of the conference.

Abstracts for oral keynotes, oral presentations and posters should follow this same format (example enclosed):


Developing the orchid account for Flora of Thailandupdate and lessons learnt

Henrik Æ. Pedersen

Select Nature, Tune, Denmark

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, England, UK

E-mail: h.pedersen@selectnature.dk


Following the Flora of Thailand Conference in 2017, development of the orchid account for the Flora has been focused on completing instalment 3 and on promoting work on instalments 4 and 5. Instalment 3 is strongly dominated by three large genera in tribe Malaxideae (viz., Crepidium, Liparis and Oberonia), and by tribe Podochileae subtribe Eriinae that presented considerable challenges at the generic level. For any difficult taxonomic complex, a dilemma exists between either including a less convincing treatment in the Flora, based on current knowledge only, or waiting for a separate in-depth study to be published before the Flora account is prepared. The former choice speeds up publication of the orchid volume, whereas the latter improves its quality. The taxonomically difficult groups indicated above were managed in different ways in connection with instalment 3. Lessons were learnt, and these are currently being utilised in instalments 4 and 5 that will comprise the very large genera Bulbophyllum sensu lato and Dendrobium sensu lato, respectively. Whereas instalment 3 can be considered done, instalments 4 and 5 are in progress, and initial plans are being made for the final instalment 6 (covering tribe Vandeae).


Keywords: Bulbophyllum, Crepidium, Dendrobium, Liparis, Malaxideae, Oberonia, Podochileae, Vandeae