Aarhus University Seal


The conference will be held at Aarhus University, Mathematics Department, Auditorium G2, in building 1532, (Street address: Ny Munkegade 118, 8000 Aarhus C., Denmark). The opening ceremony and the subsequent academic programme will take place in the Auditorium G2.

Posters will be displayed in the hall called “Vandrehallen”, where they will be on display for the duration of the conference. There will be a dedicated poster session on Wednesday 17th of July between 1050–1200. The presenting authors who are in Aarhus are requested to stand by their posters and be available for questions and discussion during this session and those attending virtually are requested to be available to respond to email queries.

Link to Google Maps showing directions to Auditorium G2 and Vandrehallen

Link to Google street view image of main entrance into Vandrehallen and Auditorium G2

Mini excursions will visit the Aarhus University Herbarium in building 1137, the Aarhus Universiy Greenhouses at Møllestien, and the Aarhus University Research vessel Aurora in the harbor.

Link to Google Maps showing the Aarhus University Herbarium (building 1137), Vandrehallen (building 1530) and Auditorium G2 (building 1532)

Link to Google Maps showing the location of the Aarhus Universiy Greenhouses

Link to Google Maps showing the location of the Aarhus University Research vessel Aurora in the harbor

A whole-day excursion will be made on Thursday 18th July to Moesgaard Museum in the southern outskirts of Aarhus

Link to Google Maps showing the location of Moesgaard Museum