Aarhus University Seal


Posters will be displayed in the hall called “Vandrehallen”, where they will be on display for the duration of the conference. There will be a dedicated poster sessions on Wednesday 17th of July 2024 at 1050–1200. The presenting authors who are in Aarhus are requested to stand by their posters and be available for enquiry and discussion during this session and those attending virtually are requested to be available to respond to email queries.

Poster should be produced in normal poster format in any size up to A0 (84x120 cm).

The poster should include:

Title (avoid un-necessary long titles)

Name of author(s): Initial(s) without space but with period, surname spelled full out.

Address of author(s).

Email of author(s).

A portrait of the author(s) placed in upper right corner of the poster.

Text of and figures as appropriate.

There will be boards available for hanging the posters in “Vandrehallen”