Wood-Gush Memorial LectureThe Wood-Gush memorial lecture will be given by Professor Peter Teglberg Madsen. The title of his lecture is "Echolocating whales as models for studying how information flow governs behavior" Peter Teglberg Madsen is Professor of Sensory Physiology at the Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University. Examplified by his top-class studies in marine mammals, Peter will illustrate that to understand animal behaviour, we must understand the sensory capacities of the animal. Even though "underwater acoustics" may not seem directly applicable for scientists in applied ethology, Peter's research reminds us of the importance of knowing and taking into account the sensory capacities of the animal that we study. Furthermore, Peter will introduce inspiring examples of how to study sensory capacities using e.g. clicker training. Read more about Peter Teglberg Madsen |