Aarhus University Seal

Sponsorship & Exhibition

Welcome from the chair of the ISAE 2017 organising committee

Aarhus University is proud to host the International Conference of the Society for Applied Ethology 2017.

ISAE is the leading scientific society for people interested in the behaviour and welfare of domesticated animals including farm, companion and laboratory animals. The annual ISAE conference is the most important meeting and networking event in the field of applied animal behaviour and welfare.

The organising group at Aarhus University, Dept. of Animal Science, is an international leader in this field. Activities include research and development relating to housing, management and transport as well as methods for automatic behaviour recording to be used in surveillance of health and welfare in farm animals. Furthermore, research into increased quality of human-animal interactions, use of companion animals in therapy and methods for quantification of stress, pain and other emotional states.

Participants of the ISAE international conference represent a large number of universities, research institutes and private consultancies. The participants use sensors, software and equipment to record, process and store behavioural data; they use equipment and fittings for animals’ housing, teaching material for student education as well as service from other commercial partners. The ISAE 2017 is the right place to meet potential customers and partners, and we welcome all participants including representatives, sponsors and international colleagues.

Understanding animal behaviour We expect more than 400 top motivated participants working in research, extension, education and decision-making looking for improved service and ways to develop new sensors, software, equipment and housing and man-agement tools useful for farm animals, as well as companion and laboratory animals worldwide. International experts are present at this conference and the exhibition provides good opportunity for technology providers to present their most recent products.

Yours sincerely,

Margit Bak Jensen
Chair of Organising Committee