Aarhus University Seal

Theatre and social programme



Monday 7 August


Registration at Aarhus University, Main Hall


Welcome reception at Aarhus University. Venue: Main Hall

Tuesday 8


Placing of posters and registration


Opening Ceremony at Aarhus Music Hall. Venue: Rhythmic Hall


Wood-Gush Memorial Lecture: Peter Teglberg Madsen: Echolocating whales as models for studying how information flow governs behaviour. Venue: Aarhus Music Hall, Rhythmic Hall

Chairperson: Margit Bak Jensen




Session 1, Topic 01 at Rhythmic Hall: The world of animals: senses and perception

Chairperson: Kathryn Proudfoot

Session 2, Topic 02 at Small Hall: Free papers

Chairperson: Janice Siegford


Key-note: The role of olfaction in relation to stress and fear. Vincent Bombail

Key-note: Literature review on priority welfare issues of commercially raised bison in North America. John S. Church


Olfactory enrichment for cattle? Development of tests for determining olfactory investigation of complex odours in cattle. Maria Vilain Rørvang

Associations between measures of rising and lying down behaviour in dairy cows. Nina Dam Otten


Do dogs see the Ponzo illusion? Sarah-Elizabeth Byosiere

Feedlot cattle are motivated to obtain roughage and show contrafreeloading. Cassandra Tucker


Lunch sponsored by DeLaval

Regional Secretaries’ lunch


Session 3, Topic 01 at Rhythmic Hall: The world of animals: senses and perception

Chairperson: Linda Keeling

Session 4, Topic 03 at Small Hall: Human-animal interactions

Chairperson: Marie Haskell


Key-note: Taking into account different sensory abilities of animals in their housing and management. Birte L. Nielsen

Key-note: Dogs, humans and genes: evidence for mutualistic symbiosis? Per Jensen


The impact of ultraviolet wavelength on broiler chicken welfare indicators. Charlotte James

Rat tickling: a systematic review of methods, outcomes and moderators. Megan R. Lafollette


How incline angel affects the preparatory step prior to climbing a ramp in domestic fowl? Alexandra Harlander

Cattle handling by untrained stockpeople gets worse along a vaccination work day. Maria Camilla Ceballos


Do mink mothers recognise their kits’ vocalisations? Jens Malmkvist

The behavioural and physiological responses of horses to routine handling. Jenna Kiddie


Behavioural indicators for cats’ perception of food: A novel tool for development of veterinary pharmaceuticals. Helena Telkanranta

Tourism and marine mammal welfare. Donald Broom


Break and poster session 1




Reception at the Town Hall of Aarhus (1 h)


Wednesday 9 August



PLENARY: Mike Appleby: Understanding human and other animal behaviour: ethology, welfare and food policy. Venue: Aarhus Music Hall, Rhythmic Hall

Chairperson: Mette S. Herskin


Session 5, Topic 04 at Rhythmic Hall: Applying ethology in the keeping of animals

Chairperson: Trevor DeVries

Session 6, Topic 02 at Small Hall: Free papers

Chairperson: Ruth Newberry


The welfare of working dogs in cars. Lena M. Skånberg

The limits of animal welfare concepts. Jes Harfeld


Do cull dairy cows become lame from being transported? Kirstin Dahl-Pedersen

Behaviour and brain gene expression of environmentally enriched pigs. Alistair Lawrence


The effect of overstocking different resources within a freestall pen on the behaviour of lactating Holstein cows. Clay Kesterson

Can body nosing in early-weaned piglets be prevented by artificial sucking and nosing devices? Roland Weber


Effect of water temperature on drinking behavior and stress response of sheep. Shin-ichiro Ogura

Multiple enriched cages increase silver fox cubs’ confidence and reduce stereotypic head twirls. Anne Lene Hovland


Break and poster session 2


Session 7, Topic 04 at Rhythmic Hall: Applying ethology in the keeping of animals

Chairperson: Stefan Gunnarsson

Session 8, Topic 05 at Small Hall: Animal stress responses 

Chairperson: Jeremy Marchant-Forde


Effects of genetic background and selection for egg production on food motivation in laying hens. Anissa Dudde

Who's stressed? Nonlinear measures of heart rate variability may provide new clues for evaluating the swine stress response. Christopher J. Byrd


On-farm techniques used to minimize aggression in pigs by US pork producers. Sarah H. Ison

Effect of space allowance and simulated sea transport motion on the behaviour and heart rate of sheep. Grisel Navarro


If you give the pig a choice: suckling piglets eat more from a diverse diet. Anouschka Middelkoop

Effects of acute lying and sleep deprivation on behaviour and milk production of lactating Holstein dairy cows. Jessie A. Kull


Impact of straw particle size and reticulorumen health on the feed sorting behaviour of early lactation dairy cows. Rachael Coon

Can faecal cortisol metabolites be used as an Iceberg indicator in the on-farm welfare assessment system WelFur-Mink? Anna F. Marsbøll



Students’ lunch “Eating with ethologists”


Session 9, Topic 06 at Rhythmic Hall: Animal learning and cognition

Chairperson: Dorte Bratbo Sørensen

Session 10, Topic 05 at Small Hall: Animal stress responses

Chairperson: Alistair Lawrence


Key-note: From Pavlov to Bekhterev – and the pros and cons of positive and negative reinforcement. Janne Winther Christensen

Key-note: The effect of a low dose of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on physiology and behaviour of individually housed pigs. Janicke Nordgreen


Development of an ethical virtual fencing system for sheep. Danila Marini

Effects of embryonic norepinephrine on juvenile and mature quail behaviors. Jasmine Mengers


Motor self-regulation by goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) in a detour-reaching task.

Jan Langbein

The influence of social stress on three selected lines of laying hens. Patrick Birkl


Cylinder size affects cat performance in the motor self-regulation task.

Katarzyna Bobrowicz

Feather pecking: is it in the way hens cope with stress? Jerine A. J. Van Der Eijk


Factors affecting dairy calves' abilities to learn to use colour cues to locate a source of milk. Jeffrey Rushen

Do feather peckers, victims and control hens differ in symmetry of bilateral traits, body weight and comb size? Fernanda M. Tahamtani


Break and poster session 3


Session 11, Topic 06 at Rhythmic Hall: Animal learning and cognition

Chairperson: Jan Ladewig

Session 12, Topic 05 at Small Hall: Animal stress responses

Chairperson: Anna Valros


Goats prefer happy human faces. Christian Nawroth

Investigation of response to the novel object test in pigs in relation to tail biting phenotypes. Jen-Yun Chou


Responses in novelty tests are associated with grain intake and unrewarded visits to the milk feeder in dairy calves. Heather W. Neave

Effects of elevated platforms on fearfulness in fast-growing broilers. Ida J. Pedersen


Light during incubation and noise around hatching affect cognitive bias in laying hens. Bas T. Rodenburg

Meloxicam and temperament effects on pain sensitivity and inflammatory response in surgical or rubber ring castrated calves. Désirée Soares


Facial expressions of emotion influence sheep learning in a visual discrimination task. Lucille Bellegarde

Cat responses to handling: Assessment of scruffing, clips, and full body restraint. Carly Moody


Conference dinner. Venue: Turbine Halls, Aarhus


Thursday 10 August



PLENARY: Jean-Loup Rault: Positive social behaviour: Inside out. Venue: Aarhus Music Hall, Rhythmic Hall

Chairperson: Lene Munksgaard


Session 13, Topic 07 at Rhythmic Hall: Social behaviour of animals

Chairperson: Bas Rodenburg

Session 14, Topic 04 at Small Hall: Applying ethology in the keeping of animals

Chairperson: Michael Cockram


Artificial intelligence algorithms as modern tool for behavioural analysis in dairy cows. Oleksiy Guzhva

Lowered tail can predict a tail biting outbreak in grower pigs. Helle Pelant Lahrmann


Best friends forever, new approach to automatic registration of changes in social networking in dairy cows. Per Peetz Nielsen

Using hen-mounted light sensors to monitor outdoor range use. Stephanie Buijs


Phenolab: ultra-wide band tracking shows feather pecking hens spent less time in close proximity compared to controls. Elske N. De Haas

Housing laboratory mice from the mouse’s point of view. Elin M. Weber


Break and poster session 4


Session 15, Topic 07 at Rhythmic Hall: Social behaviour of animals

Chairperson: Vivi Aarestrup Moustsen

Session 16, Topic 04 at Small Hall: Applying ethology in the keeping of animals

Chairperson: Anja Brinch Riber


Floor feeding over multiple drops does not increase feeding opportunities for submissive sows. Megan Verdon

Welfare relevance of floor area for single-housed female mink (Neovison vison). María Díez-León


The effect of socialization before weaning on social behaviour and performance in piglets (Sus scrofa) at a commercial farm. Laura Salazar

Differential effects of enrichment on the subtypes of stereotypic behaviour in mink. Andrea Polanco


Socialisation, play behaviour, and the development of aggression in domestic pigs (Sus scrofa). Jennifer Weller

Effects of space allowance and simulated sea transport motion on the behavior. Ramazan Col



Intensity of aggression in pigs depends on their age and experience at testing. Irene Camerlink

Cooling cows with soakers: effects of flow rate and spray frequency on behaviour and physiology. Grazyne Tresoldi



Global Development Lunch for attendees from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Eastern Europe


Session 17, Topic 08 at Rhythmic Hall: Animal affective states

Chairperson: Björn Forkman

Session 18, Topic 09 at Small Hall: Maternal and neonatal behaviour

Chairperson: Janne Winther Christensen


Key-note: What can facial expression reveal about animal welfare? Supporting evidence and potential pitfalls. Kris Descovich

Key-note: The affective dyad: the role of maternal behaviour in positive affective states of mother and young. Cathy M. Dwyer


Do dogs smile when happy? An objective and comparative study of dog and human facial actions in response to emotional trigger. Cátia Correia-Caeiro

Dairy cows and heifers prefer to calve in a bedded pack barn or natural forage compared to open pasture. Erika M. Edwards


Facial expression of harbour seal pups (Phoca vitulina) in response to painful stimuli. Amelia Mari Macrae

Factors affecting maternal protective behavior in Nellore cows. Marcia Del Campo


The startle response as a measure of fear in dairy calves. Sarah J. J. Adcock

Preference for mother does not last long after weaning in lambs. Rodolfo Ungerfeld


Pre-weaning environment affects pigs’ emotional reactivity. Oceane Schmitt

Behavioral responses of dairy calves to separation: the effect of nutritional dependency on the dam. Julie Føske Johnsen


Break and poster session 5


Session 19, Topic 08 at Rhythmic Hall: Animal affective states

Chairperson: Andrew Janczak

Session 20, Topic 09 at Small Hall: Maternal and neonatal behaviour

Chairperson: Sandra Edwards


Lying around with nothing to do: boredom in farmed mink. Rebecca K. Meagher

Does farrowing duration affect maternal behaviour of outdoor kept sows? Cecilie Kobek Thorsen


Can minor, easily applied alterations of routines during the rearing period reduce fearfulness in adult laying hens? Margrethe Brantsæter

Does dietary tryptophan around farrowing affect sow behavior and piglet mortality? Jeremy N. Marchant-Forde


Assessing anxious states in sheep: a more practical attention bias test. Jessica Monk

Relationships between sow conformation, accelerometer data and crushing events in commercial piglet production. Stephanie Matheson


Development of behavioural tests for WelFur on-farm welfare assessment of foxes. Jaakko Mononen

Effects of litter size on maternal investment and neonatal competition in pigs with different genetic selection pressures. Marko Ocepek


Closing of conference. Venue: Aarhus Music Hall, Rhythmic Hall


Farewell Reception. Venue: Aarhus Music Hall