Tu-T1-2 |  | Quantum Optics Effects in Astrophysics D. A. Solovyev, V. K. Dubrovich Moved from the Friday poster session (Fr-T1-2) |
Tu-T1-3 |  | Interaction of Oxygen (X,3P) atom with graphenic-like surfaces for astrophysical applications S. Morisset, N. Rougeau, D. Teillet-Billy Moved from the Friday poster session (Fr-T1-3) |
Tu-T2-13 |  | Resonances in ultracold collisions confined by atomic traps V. Melezhik, S. Saeidian, P. Giannakeas, P. Schmelcher |
Tu-T2-14 |  | Vortices in the electron - positron - proton continuum F. Navarrete, R. O. Barrachina, J. Fiol |
Tu-T2-15 |  | Fragmentation dynamics of multiply charged molecules under 10-keV electron impact P. Bhatt, R. Shanker |
Tu-T2-18 |  | Ions colliding with weakly bound clusters of fullerenes H. Zettergren, F. Seitz, P. Rousseau, Y. Wang, T. Chen, M. Gatchell, J. D. Alexander, M. H. Stockett, J. Rangama, J. Y. Chesnel, M. Capron, J. C. Poully, A. Domaracka, A. Méry, S. Maclot, H. T. Schmidt, L. Adoui, M. Alcamí, A. G. G. M. Tielens, F. Martín, B. A. Huber, H |
Tu-T2-19 |  | First results from the Double ElectroStatic Ion-Ring ExpEriment, DESIREE H. Zettergren, M. Gatchell, H. T. Schmidt, J. D. Alexander, G. Andler, M. Björkhage, M. Blom, L. Brännholm, E. Bäckström, T. Chen, W. Geppert, P. Halldén, D. Hanstorp, F. Hellberg, A. Källberg, M. Larsson, S. Leontein, L. Liljeby, P. Löfgren, S. Mannervik, A. Paál, P. R |
Tu-T2-20 |  | Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in collisions with atoms H. Zettergren, M. H. Stockett, J. D. Alexander, U. Bērziņš, T. Chen, K. Farid, M. Gatchell, A. Johansson, K. Kulyk, H. T. Schmidt, H. Cederquist |
Tu-T2-21 |  | Non perturbative treatment of atomic and molecular collisions : valence and inner shell processes in keV H+ - Li collisions G. Labaigt, A. Dubois |
Tu-T4-11 |  | Photoexcitation of He-like 2s2p 1P1 from 1s2 1S0: radiative and autoionization decays J. Dubau, O. Zabaydullin |
Tu-T4-12 |  | A mixed B-splines and Gaussian basis for the accurate description of continuum states. C. Marante, L. Argenti, F. Martín |
Tu-T4-13 |  | Retardation effects in two-colour ionization of hydrogen with keV electromagnetic field H. Bachau, M. Dondera, V. Florescu |
Tu-T4-14 |  | Cooling dynamics of photo-excited C_6^- and C_6H^- T. Azuma, G. Ito, T. Furukawa, H. Tanuma, J. Matsumoto, H. Shiromaru, T. Majima, M. Goto, K. Hansen |
Tu-T4-15 |  | Nonlinear enhancement of nondipole effects in atomic photoionization A. N. Grum-Grzhimailo, E. V. Gryzlova, A. S. Chetverkina, S. S. Strakhova, M. Meyer |
Tu-T4-16 |  | Fragmentation dynamics of CS2 4+ after core S1s excitation studied by triple-ion momentum correlation T. Marchenko, R. Guillemin, C. Bomme, T. Marin, L. Journel, R. Kushawaha, N. Trcera, M.N. Piancastelli, M. Simon |
Tu-T4-17 |  | High-harmonic generation in graphene S. I. Simonsen, S. A. Sørngård, J. Petter Hansen |
Tu-T4-18 |  | First light on 3d photoionization of multiply charged xenon ions: a new photon-ion merged beam setup at PETRA III S. Schippers, S. Ricz, T. Buhr, K. Holste, A. Borovik Jr., J. Hellhund, H.-J. Schäfer, D. Schury, S. Klumpp, K. Mertens, M. Martins, R. Flesch, G. Ulrich, E. Rühl, J. Lower, T. Jahnke, D. Metz, L. P. H. Schmidt, M. Schöffler, J. B. Williams, R. Dörner, L. Glaser, F. S |
Tu-T4-19 |  | Probing the transition from molecular to atomic photo-absorption with XUV FEL radiation A. Senftleben, K. Schnorr, D. Anielski, G. Schmid, K. Meyer, A. Rudenko, T. Marchenko, M. Simon, Y.H. Jiang, L. Foucar, M. Kubel, M. F. Kling, S. Dusterer, R. Treusch, C.D. Schroeter, T. Pfeifer, J. Ullrich, R. Moshammer |
Tu-T4-20 |  | Multidimensional dynamics and control in the vicinity of a conical intersection. A case study of the NO2 molecule J. Gonzalez-Vazquez, L. Martínez-Fernández, I. Corral, M. Richter, F. Bouakline, F. Morales, O. Smirnova, F. Martín |
Tu-T5-11 |  | Model potential approach to calculations of the Lamb shifts in many-electron atoms and ions V. M. Shabaev, I.I. Tupitsyn |
Tu-T5-12 |  | Testing Optical Clock Calibration Procedures: Absolute Frequency Measurement of Rubidium 5S-7S Two- Photon Transitions M. Zawada, P. Ablewski, W. Gawlik, R. Gartman, P. Maslowski, P. Morzynski, B. Nagorny, F. Ozimek, C. Radzewicz, P. Wcislo, M. Witkowski, R. Ciurylo |
Tu-T5-13 |  | Experimental and theoretical study of 3-photon ionization of the 1s2p 3Po state of Helium M Genevriez, X. Urbain, M. Terao-Dunseath, K.M. Dunseath |
Tu-T5-14 |  | Theoretical electron-impact excitation cross sections of H, He and Li atoms G. Merkelis, P. Bogdanovich, R. Kisielius |
Tu-T5-15 |  | Hyperfine Structure Investigation of Nb I with Optogalvanic Spectroscopy Gö Basar, Gü. Basar, I. Kanat Öztürk, A. Er, F. Güzelçimen, S. Kröger |
Tu-T5-17 |  | Theoretical study of emission cascade in W25+ ion G. Merkelis, A. Kynienė, A. Alkauskas, G. Gaigalas, R. Kisielius, S. Kučas, Š. Masys, P. Rynkun, V. Jonauskas |
Tu-T5-18 |  | New energy levels of the La atom discovered by combination of optogalvanic and laser-induced fluoresence spectroscopy B. Gamper, L. Windholz |
Tu-T5-19 |  | High-scale SEOP 129Xe polarizer for medical studies A. Wojna, T. Pałasz, T. Dohnalik |
Tu-T5-20 |  | Relativistic calculations of K- and L-shell yields in Ge J. M. Sampaio, T. I. Madeira, J. P. Marques, A. M. Costa, P. Indelicato, F. Parente, J. P. Santos |
Tu-T6-12 |  | X-ray absorption of excited triplet state of quinones T. Hiraya, T. Tsuru, S. Nagashima, S. Wada, H. Yoshida |
Tu-T6-14 |  | New spectroscopic data and deperturbation analysis of the A1(SIGMA)+ - b3(PI) states in KCs A. Kruzins, I. Klincare, O. Nikolayeva, M. Tamanis, R. Ferber, E.A. Pazyuk, A.V. Stolyarov |
Tu-T6-15 |  | Dissociation of water molecules after O1s -> 4a1 excitation A. Sankari, C. Stråhlman, J. Laksman, R. Sankari, A. Kettunen, L. Partanen, P.-Å. Malmqvist, S. L. Sörensen |
Tu-T6-16 |  | Molecular alignment of NH3 following core electron excitation N. Walsh, M. Gisselbrecht, E. Månsson, S. Oghbaiee, A. Sankari, S. Sorensen |
Tu-T6-18 |  | Finding the Absolute Configuration of Chiral Molecules with Coulomb Explosion Imaging M. Pitzer, M. S. Schöffler, M. Kunitski, A. S. Johnson, T. Jahnke, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, H. Schmidt-Böcking. R. Dörner |
Tu-T6-19 |  | Rovibrational levels of He2+ J. Komasa, K. Pachucki |
Tu-T6-21 |  | Investigation of site selectivity in the fragmentation of core-excited 1,3-butadiene near the central and terminal carbon K edges S. Oghbaie, M. Gisselbrecht, N. Walsh, E. Månsson, A. Sankari, S. L. Sorensen |
Tu-T6-22 |  | The Radiative processes induced by interaction of metastable Cd (5^3P_2) atoms with Ar and Kr atoms A. Z. Devdariani, O.S.Alekseeva, M.G.Lednev, A.L.Zagrebin |
Tu-T8-12 |  | Ultrafast Charge Migration in a Biomolecule J. B. Greenwood, L. Belshaw, F. Calegari, M. J. Duffy, A. Trabattoni, L. Poletto, M. Nisoli |
Tu-T8-13 |  | Beyond Carbon K-edge harmonic emission in He using a spatially and temporally synthesized laser field M. F. Ciappina, J. A. Pérez-Hernández, M. Lewenstein, L. Roso, A. Zaïr |
Tu-T8-14 |  | Full dimensional quantum description (48D) of the ring-opening dynamics of benzopyran through a conical intersection with ML-MCTDH A. Perveaux, L. Joubert-Doriol, D. Lauvergnat , H.-D. Meyer, B. Lasorne, F. Gatti |
Tu-T8-15 |  | Simulation of laser-induced quantum dynamics of the electronic and nuclear motion in the ozone molecule on the attosecond time scale A. Perveaux, G. J. Halász, B. Lasorne, M. A. Robb, F. Gatti, Á. Vibók |
Tu-T8-16 |  | Multi-electron effects in Harmonic Generation A. C. Brown, H. W. van der Hart |
Tu-T8-17 |  | Harmonic generation in time-dependent R-matrix theory. A. C. Brown, H. W. van der Hart |
Tu-T8-18 |  | Femtosecond laser enhanced thermionic emission in dense potassium vapor G. Pichler, Y. Makdisi, J. Kokaj, K. Afrousheh, J. Mathew, R. Nair |
Tu-T8-19 |  | Dissociation and dissociative ionization of H2+ in an intense laser field using the time-dependent surface flux method L. Yue, L. B. Madsen |
Tu-T8-20 |  | Tracing Interatomic Coulombic Decay in Neon Dimers by XUV pump-probe Experiments at FLASH A. Senftleben, K. Schnorr, M. Kurka, A. Rudenko, L. Foucar, T. Pfeifer, K. Meyer, G. Schmid, J. Kunz, A. Broska, D. Anielski, M. Kubel, M. F. Kling;, Y.H. Jiang, S. Mondal, T. Tachibana, K. Ueda, T. Marchenko, M. Simon, J. Ullrich, G. Brenner, R. Treusch, C.D. Schroter, |
Tu-T8-21 |  | Nonadiabatic alignment of molecules dissolved in superfluid helium droplets L. Christiansen, D. Pentlehner, J. H. Nielsen, A. Slenczka, H. Stapelfeldt |
Tu-T11-1 |  | Angular and polarization correlations in the sequential two-electron radiative recombination as a tool for production and diagnostics of spin-polarized heavy ion beam A. V. Mayorova, A. Surzhykov, S. Tashenov, V. M. Shabaev |
Tu-T11-2 |  | High-precision calculation of the structure of astrophysically relevant Fe ions N. S. Oreshkina, Z. Harman, C. H. Keitel |
Tu-T11-3 |  | Relativistic calculations of the nuclear recoil effect in highly charged few-electron ions N. A. Zubova, V. M. Shabaev, I.I Tupitsyn, G. Plunien |
Tu-T11-4 |  | Multiple ionization of Ar dimers by slow highly charged ions: projectile dependence of screening effect T. Ohyama-Yamaguchi, A. Ichimura |
Tu-T11-5 |  | Relativistic calculations of ionization probabilities in low-energy heavy-ion collisions A. I. Bondarev, Y. S. Kozhedub, I. I. Tupitsyn, V. M. Shabaev, G. Plunien |
Tu-T11-6 |  | Electron capture at low velocity in the collision of Ar17+ ions with atoms, clusters and solids E. Lamour, C. Prigent, J.-P. Rozet, S. Steydli, M. Trassinelli, D. Vernhet |
Tu-T11-7 |  | Polarization transfer in Rayleigh scattering by K-shell electrons Th. Jahrsetz, P. Amaro, Th. Stöhlker, S. Fritzsche, A.Surzhykov |
Tu-T12-9 |  | Photofragmentation of small peptides containing tyrosine at 263 nm: role of the Charge transfer state on the CO B. Lucas, C. Dehon, S. Soorkia, M. Pedrazzani, C. Jouvet, M. Barat, J. A. Fayeton |
Tu-T13-10 |  | Oxygen binding and activation by anionic, neutral and cationic gold clusters A. P. Woodham, G. Meijer, A. Fielicke |
Tu-T13-11 |  | Metal Cluster Ion X-Ray Spectroscopy using PIPE and Traptor S. Klumpp, K. Mertens, I. Baev, S. Palutke, M. Martins |
Tu-T13-12 |  | Electron attachment to trapped clusters for poly-anion production S. Bandelow, F. Martinez, G. Marx, L. Schweikhard, A. Vass |
Tu-T13-13 |  | Thermionic emission laser spectroscopy of C4- and C6- K. Hansen, M. Goto, A.E.K. Sundén, H. Shiromaru, J. Matsumoto, H. Tanuma, T. Azuma |
Tu-T13-14 |  | Investigation of radiative cooling of small metal cluster anions by laser-induced electron detachment M. Lange, K. Blaum, C. Breitenfeldt, M. Froese, S. George, S. Menk, L. Schweikhard, A. Wolf |
Tu-T13-15 |  | Photoelectron spectroscopic studies of free metal clusters using VUV range synchrotron radiation K. Jankala, M. Tchaplyguine, M.-H. Mikkelä, L. Hautala, S. Urpelainen, O. Björneholm, T. Andersson, C. Zhang, M. Huttula |
Tu-T13-16 |  | Tailoring the electronic properties of molecular nanodiamonds: a modular design approach T. Rander, T. Zimmermann, R. Richter, A. Knecht, T. V. Koso, A. A. Fokin, L. V. Chernish, P. A. Gunchenko, R. M. K. Carlson, J. E. Dahl, C. Bostedt, P. R. Schreiner, T. Möller |
Tu-T13-17 |  | Adsorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on soot: Production of benchmark particles P. Rousseau, G. Saidani, N. Bidault, A. Domaracka, L. Adoui, B. A. Huber, A. Coppalle, J. Yon |
Tu-T13-18 |  | Production of silver oxide nanoparticles with varying degree of oxidation T. Andersson, C. Zhang, M. Tchaplyguine, O. Björneholm |
Tu-T15-1 |  | Non-Markovian Master Equation for a Rydberg-EIT Medium S. Sevincli, K. Mølmer |
Tu-T15-2 |  | High-resolution spectroscopy of Rydberg states in an ultracold cesium gas J. Deiglmayr, H. Sassmannshausen, F. Merkt |
Tu-T15-3 |  | Deceleration and trapping He atoms on a chip P. Allmendinger, J.A. Agner, H. Schmutz, F. Merkt |
Tu-T15-4 |  | Few-body interactions in cold Rydberg gases P. Cheinet, R. Faoro, A. Zuliani, J. Billy, E. Arimondo, P. Pillet |
Tu-T15-5 |  | Quantum coherent interactions of Rydberg atoms with controlled sequences of femtosecond laser pulses J. Preclikova, M. Kozák, D. Fregenal, B. Tore Hjertaker, B. Hamre, Ø. Frette, L. Kocbach, J. Petter Hansen |
Tu-T15-6 |  | Maximally Entangled Dark Steady states for interacting Rydberg atoms D. B. R. Dasari, K. Mølmer |
Tu-T18-9 |  | Trapped ion collision with MOT atoms and cold molecules S. Lee, K. Ravi, S. Jyothi, S.A. Rangwala |
Tu-T18-10 |  | Universality of three-body systems in 2D: parameterization of the bound states energies F. F. Bellotti, T. Frederico, M. T. Yamashita, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen, N. T. Zinner |
Tu-T18-11 |  | Highly collimated source of cold Rb atoms from a 2-dimensional magneto-optical trap C. Cabrera, V. Carrat, M. Jacquey, J. W.R. Tabosa, B. Viaris de Lesegno, L. Pruvost |
Tu-T18-13 |  | Simulation of frustrated magnetic phases of ultracold bosonic atoms in an optical lattice R. Hoeppner, L. Mathey |
Tu-T18-14 |  | Noise correlations of two-dimensional Bose gases V. P. Singh, L. Mathey |
Tu-T18-15 |  | Second Stage Laser Cooling and Optical Trapping of Tm Atoms E. Kalganova, D. Sukachev, G. Vishnyakova, A. Sokolov, N. Kolachevsky, V. Sorokin |
Tu-T18-16 |  | Cold atoms of large optical depth inside a hollow-core fiber F. Blatt, T. Peters, T. Halfmann |
Tu-T18-17 |  | Ion cloud transport between linear RF traps J. Pedregosa Gutierrez, C. Champenois, M. Kamsap, G. Hagel, O. Morizot, M. Houssin, M. Knoop |
Tu-T18-18 |  | Tapered optical nanofibres as detectors for atoms trapped in an 1D optical lattice T. Hennessy, C. Phelan, T. Busch |
Tu-T18-19 |  | Ground state optical transfer of ultracold KRb molecules D. Borsalino, B. Londoño, R. Vexiau, O. Dulieu, N. Bouloufa-Maafa, E. Luc |
Tu-T19-13 |  | Magnetically-silent vector magnetometry based on the free induction decay of atomic spin polarization Z. D. Grujic, P. Knowles, A. Weis |
Tu-T19-14 |  | The Baryon-Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment (BASE) K. A. Franke, C. Smorra, A. Mooser, H. Nagahama, G. Schneider, K. Blaum, S. A. Bräuninger, H. Kracke, Y. Matsuda, W. Quint, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, S. Ulmer |
Tu-T19-15 |  | Towards an antihydrogen beam production by using a cusp trap N. Kuroda, S. Ulmer, D. Murtagh, S. Van Gorp, K. Michishio, M. Diermaier, S. Federmann, M. Leali, C. Malbrunot, V. Mascagna, O. Massiczek, T. Mizutani, A. Mohri, H. Nagahama, Y. Nagata, M. Ohtsuka, S. Sakurai, C. Sauerzopf, K. Suzuki, M. Tajima, H.A. Torii, L. Ventu |
Tu-T19-20 |  | Characterisation of the Coupled Dark State Magnetometer Prototype M. Ellmeier, R. Lammegger, A. Pollinger, W. Magnes, L. Windholz |
Tu-T19-21 |  | Diffraction of massive particles from nanolattices: origin of the particle-wave duality D. Drakova, G. Doyen |