Wednesday 26th June 2013 |
| Chair: Klaus Mølmer |
09:00-10:00 | PT: Coherent control and inversion of ultrafast spectroscopies for probing quantum dynamics in biological systems Birgitta Whaley (Berkeley Quantum Information and Computation Center) |
| Ultrafast spectroscopies provide powerful tools to probe dynamical phenomena in biological systems. Recent experiments indicating contribution of both electronic and vibrational coherences to key dynamical processes in photoactivated processes are revising the long standing view of quantum effects in biology being restricted to understanding of molecular energetics, stability and kinetics. Coherent control of light-matter interactions can provide an additional tool to understanding and unraveling the role of quantum phenomena in biology. However the open nature of the relevant quantum systems poses considerable challenge to achieving optimal control. To illustrate this, I shall present a quantum control study of excitonic states in a light harvesting system with investigation of feasible targets for phase and phase/amplitude control, characterization of the limitations on these and analysis of the robustness of this control. This provides a first step in coherent control of these systems using multi-dimensional non-linear spectroscopies. I shall also address the problem of inverting multi-dimensional spectroscopic signals, with an example of a two-step protocol to invert pump-probe experiments on a molecular aggregate to directly extract the time-evolution of an excited state density matrix. |
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| Chair: Dominique Vernhet |
10:30-11:30 | PT: Manipulation of individual quantum systems Serge Haroche (Ecole Normale Supérieure & Collège de France) |
| The founders of quantum theory assumed in “thought experiments” that they were manipulating isolated quantum systems obeying the counterintuitive laws which they had just discovered. Technological advances have recently turned these virtual experiments into real ones by making possible the actual control of isolated quantum particles. Many laboratories are realizing such experiments, in a research field at the frontier between physics and information science. Fundamentally, these studies explore the transition between the microscopic world ruled by quantum laws and our macroscopic environment which appears “classical”. Practically, physicists hope that these experiments will result in new technologies exploiting the strange quantum logic to compute, communicate or measure physical quantities better than was previously conceivable. In Paris, we perform such experiments by juggling with photons trapped between superconducting mirrors. I will give a simple description of these studies, compare them to similar ones performed on other systems and make guesses about possible applications. |
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12:30-15:00 | Poster session |
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| Session 5a: T20 Quantum information and cavity QED / T18 Cold ions, atoms and molecules / T19 Fundamental physics… Chair: Christian Roos |
15:30-16:00 | IT: Atomic magnetometry for biomedical and fundamental research Antoine Weis (University of Fribourg) |
| I review our use of Cs magnetometer arrays for the mapping of cardiomagnetic field dynamics, magnetic nanoparticle detection, and field control in a neutron EDM experiment. I will further address ongoing work on magnetically silent magnetometers using amplitude and polarization-modulation, and vector magnetometry by detection of free induction decay. |
16:00-16:30 | IT: High-fidelity quantum driving Oliver Morsch (University of Pisa) |
| Fast and robust control of quantum systems is essential in many areas of modern science and technology. In my talk I will demonstrate how quantum control protocols can be made both fast and perfectly transitionless (or "super-adiabatic") by appropriate transformations based on recent results by Rice and Berry. These transformations are implemented in an experiment using Bose condensates in optical lattices and are shown to be extremely robust against parameter variations. |
16:30-17:00 | IT: Creation of entangled states of up to 40 atoms in a cavity Jakob Reichel (Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, ENS, CNRS) |
| We have created W states (Dicke states) of up to 40 atomic pseudospins and analyzed them by implementing a measurement of the Husimi distribution. Both the state preparation and the tomography method are based on optical cavity quantum electrodynamics and take advantage of the exceptional properties of laser-machined optical fiber cavities recently developed by our group. |
17:00-17:30 | IT: Squeezed-light and squeezed-atom optical magnetometry Morgan Mitchell (Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona) |
| From the perspective of quantum optics, an optical magnetometer is an atom interferometer inside an optical interferometer, with a coupling that naturally induces some of the most celebrated effects in quantum optics: quantum non-demolition measurement, squeezing of quantum fluctuations, and entanglement of macroscopic numbers of particles. I will describe recent experiments using QND measurement and optical and spin squeezing to improve the sensitivity of these instruments. |
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| Session 5b: T5 Atomic spectroscopy / T6 Molecular spectroscopy / T4 Photon induced processes Chair: Christophe Blondel |
15:30-16:00 | IT: Fine Structure Constant and Test of the Quantum Electrodynamics Saïda Guellati-Kheilifa (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Université Pierre et Marie Curie) |
| The fine structure constant a is the basic constant of the quantum electrodynamics (QED). The most accurate value of a is deduced from the measurement of the electron magnetic moment anomaly ae and a complex QED calculations performed by the group of Kinoshita. In our experiment in Paris, we determine a by measuring the recoil velocity of atom which absorbs a photon momentum. This measurement is realized by combining atom interferometer with Bloch oscillations in an accelerated optical lattice. In 2011, we have obtained a value of a with a relative uncertainty of 0.66 ppb. This result leads to a theoretical value of the electron anomaly ae in agreement with the experimental measurement of Harvard group. This comparison provides the most stringent test of the QED. Moreover, the uncertainty is small enough to verify for the first time the muonic and hadronic contributions to the electron magnetic moment. In this talk, I will present the recent progress of this work. |
16:00-16:30 | IT: Tests of QED effects on the hyperfine splitting and the g-factor of high-Z few-electron ions Andrey Volotka (TU Dresden) |
| Recent advances in ab initio QED calculations of the hyperfine splitting and the g factor of highly charged Li-like ions will be reported. A special attention will be focused on probing the magnetic sector of bound-state QED at strong electromagnetic fields. |
16:30-17:00 | IT: (H2)- and other rare negative molecules Robin Golser (University of Vienna) |
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17:00-17:30 | IT: Synchrotron radiation based electron spectroscopy of isolated species: a probe for fundamental properties Catalin Miron (Synchrotron SOLEIL) |
| Soft x-ray spectroscopies of isolated species represent powerful tools to characterize fundamental properties of matter, from local and electronic structure to ultrafast dynamics of short-lived species produced by excitation of inner-shell electrons using synchrotron radiation. Ultrahigh resolution electron spectroscopy and Auger electron – ion momentum correlation measurements are now routinely performed at the PLEIADES beamline in operation since 2010 at Synchrotron SOLEIL (Paris, France). Examples illustrating the recent discoveries and the new scientific opportunities opened by this unique facility will be discussed in this talk. |
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