Markus Arndt (Austria) Coherent interaction of photons with molecules and molecular clusters: quantum delocalization and measurement-induced gratings | Toshiyuki Azuma (Japan) Heavy ion channeling |
Henri Bachau (France) Clocking ultrafast molecular dynamics through laser induced interference effects | Jens Biegert (Spain) Electron dynamics in the deep tunneling regime |
Carsten Brandau (Germany) Dielectronic recombination with heavy ions as a sensitive tool for probing nuclear properties | Sophie Canton (Sweden) Young's double-slit interferences in homo- and heteronuclear molecules induced with synchrotron radiation |
Henrik Cederquist (Sweden) Ions colliding with clusters and biomolecules | Jose Crespo López-Urrutia (Germany) X-ray laser spectroscopy with free-electron lasers and synchrotron radiation |
Cristina Diaz (Spain) Reactive and non-reactive scattering of diatomic molecules on metal surfaces | Alexander Dorn (Germany) Electron and positron impact ionization of atoms, molecules and clusters |
Olivier Dulieu (France) Physico-chemistry in ultracold gases | Alexander Eisfeld (Germany, USA) Quantum effects in photosynthesis |
Stefan Facsko (Germany) Interaction of highly charged ions with surfaces - dissipation of potential energy | Johannes Feist (Spain) Correlated electron dynamics on the attosecond scale |
Helen Fielding (UK) Femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules | Andre Fielicke (Germany) Structural determination of clusters using resonant IR excitation |
Robin Golser (Austria) (H2)- and other rare negative molecules | Stefanie Gräfe (Austria) Electronic rescattering dynamics in laser fields |
Alexey Grum-Grzhimailo (Russia) Strong-field ionization of light atoms | Saïda Guellati-Kheilifa (France) New Determination of the Fine Structure Constant and Test of the Quantum Electrodynamics |
Hannu Häkkinen (Finland) Ignoble metals: gold as a catalyst | Johannes Hecker-Denschlag (Germany) Investigating three-body recombination in an ion trap |
Philip Hoffman (Denmark) Electronic properties and many-body effects in epitaxial graphene | Pascal Honvault (France) Quantum reaction dynamics at low temperatures for astrochemistry |
Liv Hornekær (Denmark) Properties of hydrogenated graphene | Peter Lambropoulos (Greece) Atomic and Molecular Physics with X-ray free electron lasers |
Tatiana Marchenko (France) Ultrafast dynamics in postcollision interaction upon argon 1s photoionization | Gerard Meijer (Germany) Trapping molecules on a chip |
Frederic Merkt (Switzerland) Manipulating Rydberg atoms close to surfaces | Catalin Miron (France) Synchrotron radiation based electron spectroscopy of isolated species: a probe for fundamental properties |
Morgan Mitchell (Spain) Squeezed-light optical magnetometry | Oliver Morsch (Italy) High-fidelity quantum driving |
Holger Müller (USA) Matter-wave clocks, gravitational redshift, and time | Edvardas Narevicius (Israel) Quantum Effects in Cold Reactive Collisions |
Massimo Olivucci (Italy) From biological photoreceptors to the design of biomimetic molecular devices | Niklas Ottosson (The Netherlands) Spectroscopy of water surfaces |
Thomas Pohl (Germany) Many-body problem in cold Rydberg ensembles | Fabien Quéré (France) Plasmas Mirrors: a very promising alternative to high order harmonic generation to generate XUV at the attosecond scale |
Jakob Reichel (France) Measurement of the internal state of a single atom without energy exchange | Nina Rohringer (Germany) Realization of an atomic inner-shell x-ray laser at the LCLS |
Christian Roos (Austria) Quantum simulations with trapped ions | Patrick Rousseau (France) Ion induced fragmentation of complex molecules and clusters of molecules |
Stefan Schippers (Germany) Nuclear effects on atomic transitions: Storage-ring measurements of hyperfine induced decay rates in berylliumlike ions | Reinhold Schuch (Sweden) Guiding ions through nanocapillaries |
Thorsten Schumm (Austria) An atomic clock with a nuclear transition | Béla Sulik (Hungary)Negative hydrogen ions from collisions of H-containing molecular species: a general process |
Yoni Toker (Israel) Experimental investigations of thermodynamical properties of small molecules and clusters | Jacques Vigué (France) Detection of the He-McKellar-Wilkens topological phase by atom interferometry |
Andrey Volotka (Germany) Tests of QED effects on the hyperfine splitting and the g-factor of high-Z few-electron ions | Antoine Weis (Switzerland) Atomic magnetometry for biomedical and fundamental research |
Roland Wester (Austria) Negative Ion reaction dynamics | Matthew Zepf (UK) High Harmonic Generation from Relativistically Oscillating Plasmas |